Innovative perimeter curtain wall for raised floors. VERTICAL EDGE CLIP.

Innovative perimeter curtain wall for raised floors. VERTICAL EDGE CLIP.

20 de mayo de 2014

Designed to solve a common problem in all elevated floors with at least one side open: how to create a step closing the void space in an easy way?

Innovation for ' shut off '

Designed to cope with a problem common to many external paving— the border buffer when it is in the absence of perimeter wall, the vertical edge clip is an innovative system that allows close easily and elegantly perimeter space that you create in the presence of elevated flooring.

A solution composed of two special stainless steel clips that put on the head and the underside of the Eternal Ivicasupport, create a home with the man who fit the trimmed piece of flooring to measuring space from DAB, avoiding so simultaneous horizontal plates slipping through the blockade at the end of the clip board floor.


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